I haven't been on the air too much lately because of the cold (my shack isn't heated) and physical issues with getting in and out of my old motorhome and the shed my shack is in. I am hoping to change that by setting up my ICOM IC-706MKII in the motorhome. I updated my ham radio website today. I added manuals for my two older Kenwood and one of my KEK 2 meter mobile radios. Surprisingly enough, two of the three radios works great and I have to find a microphone for my Kenwood TR-7400 then I can test it. Hopefully when I get the IC-706 set up I'll be a lot more active on the air.
27 December 2020
26 November 2020
Been busy
I haven't been active at all on the air lately. I have been dealing with a lot of health and personal issues but I am hoping to work the ARRL Sweepstakes this weekend and SKYWARN Recognition Day on Friday/Saturday December 3/4 (owing to UTC time). I've not done any work on the station lately and the antenna's support is bent ... I need to get up there and fix it but the weather is getting colder quickly and I am loathe to get up on the top of the shed but I guess I should do it soon.
27 September 2020
Back again
I've decided to start using this blog again for my ham radio activities. I am now officially medically retired (I am permanently disabled and unemployable) so I will have more time soon to enjoy amateur radio.
14 July 2020
New blog!
10 July 2020
09 July 2020
03 July 2020
Week of contests
28 June 2020
Field Day 2020
21 June 2020
14 June 2020
Been busy
24 May 2020
Caught up
17 May 2020
Busy on the air
01 May 2020
Antenna is almost finished
I'm quite happy. It's nice to be back on the air with my own antenna! I'll try to get pictures of the antenna in the morning when there's no glare behind the antenna.
Antenna work
The unfinished antenna in all of its glory. |
I still have my Mosley RV-4C 10-40 meter vertical antenna, which includes an optional 80 meter coil, to install. It requires a lot more work and also a new antenna base which is around $50 with shipping direct from the Mosley factory. Once I have my needed foot reconstruction surgery on my right foot and I'm able to use it, I may go ahead and set this up permanently at my parents' home (where I am at now) so my dad can use it if he wants.
I am also considering setting up my Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Slackware./ARM Linux and using it for a shack computer. Considering I have a little eight-foot by eight-foot room to myself, that would save a lot of space for me. I'd still be able to do everything I wanted on the little Pi though. Another project to think about.
22 April 2020
New antenna arrived
I'm going to mount the transformer on a 10' high piece of aluminum conduit that I'll be putting into a satellite dish tripod. I ordered the tripod off of eBay (new) and it should be here sometime either before or on Monday April 27. Dad and I will attach the tripod to the shed's roof and shoot the wire over one of our trees. Really looking forward to getting this done and back on the air on my own. I'll make sure to take pictures with my regular 16MP digital camera (Canon Powershot A810).
14 April 2020
New antenna on the way
11 April 2020
The shack
That's my IC-718 on top and my MFJ antenna matcher underneath. A good little combo for me. You'll notice I have not one but two SignaLink boxes; the USB one was a gift and the SL-1+ on top I found in a box of goodies that was given to us by a friend. Both work great. I am going to use the SL-1+ with the 718 and use the USB one with a possible station in my motorhome.
On the air
07 April 2020
What a mistake...
I am planning on buying a EFHW antenna from myantennas.com very soon. I've already won approval from my parents to mount a 10' piece of aluminum conduit on my shed as a mount for the transformer end of the antenna and will run the antenna to one of three trees on our property. I hope then I will be able to get on the air full-time again. I'm really looking forward to it.
For now, I am just mostly listening these days but with what looks to be a promising start to solar cycle 25, I am looking forward for the bands to be "alive" once again. I am unable to work digital modes currently but will be fixing that soon, hopefully.
14 March 2020
Antenna tryout
23 February 2020
Moving back in time
Almost back on the air!
So I purchased a used OEM mic for my IC-706MKII and my dad tested it for me, confirming that the little 706 is working fine. A good friend ...

I finally uploaded to LoTW and eQSL my logs for the past few days. I've been busy elsewhere and just fell behind. I have several direc...
So after a long hiatus, I decided to run a contest again. This weekend, from 7 PM EST Saturday to 7 PM EST, was the ARRL International DX C...
I decided to tinker around today and installed Pat, an open source Winlink2000 client written in Go, on my FreeBSD 13-powered desktop. It...